‘PIONEERS: A Renaissance in South Asian Creativity’
'PIONEERS: A Renaissance in South Asian Creativity' at the National Maritime Museum. Royal Museums Greenwich commissioned CommonGround& to respond to the representation of South Asian history and culture in the National Maritime Museum as part of the first celebration connected to South Asian Heritage Month.
The 'Pioneers' are individuals of south Asian heritage who are paving the way for this and future generations who wish to challenge boundaries and common stereotypes.
Curated by @mehala_ford founder of @commonground_and
Photo assistant: @dhwani.jpg
Producer: @mathuxphotos
Production assistant: @ranura.e
Makeup assistance: @manisha.selva
Talent :
@mypandashallfly, @sheerahravindren, @hiyapriya, @amarchadhapatel @planetparle @leyyax @bolly_illusion @daytimers_uk @ajdzar, @daramadj and @yourboykiran